Sunday, April 10, 2011

To the People who Blessed Us

I had a request last night for my mailing address to be put on the blog. Kathleen Wuelfing, 170 Duncan District Road, Sheridan, Montana 59749

To the people who followed Gus' Walk, who prayed for us, who left comments for Gus to enjoy . . . you so blessed our lives. Gus would spend time regularly reading what his wife had written and loving the comments from you. When he was lying in a hospital bed knowing his fight was over, I would read him the comments. You continued to bless him to the very end.

When I decided to honor T.J.'s wishes and keep a blog on his dad, T.J. and I never dreamed it would span over a 33 month time frame. We never dreamed people all over the world would be following it. We never dreamed how Gus' story would bless so many lives.

I have plans on this blog being put into a book so Gus' children and grandchildren have a permanent record of Gus' story. His strength under adversity was amazing.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Kathleen, our hearts are with you all! His strength and resiliency were amazing and he will be greatly missed! Johnny, Casey and Dominic Koonce