April had a laptop at home that she delivered to me today. I can update the blog now from the hospital room, so I will try to update each morning and evening.
Gus is refusing all food and when he tried a few sips of water this morning, the water upset his stomach. He refused any more fluid. He has had a restful day and the increased continuous morphine is controlling the pain.
Scott, April and Lindsey were here earlier and he made sure I knew he was enjoying their talking. He usually only whispers so you have to listen closely.
I am so thankful for the port in Gus' chest. When we arrived at the hospital, it took only minutes to start the IV. I cannot imagine trying to keep an IV going in his veins right now.
My cousin, Ellen, had given me a CD of religious music being played on the piano. I think she gave it to me when Gus was in the Seattle hospital. Anyway, I brought a CD player and that music plays continously. It seems to be very soothing to Gus.
I am praying for all of you. Praying for rest and strength and the Lord's presence to bring you comfort and peace.
Gus is continually in our prayers. I still remember fondly showing him the ins and outs of the McGregor irrigation system
Thank you for the updates. We are praying for all of you. May the peace of Christ be with you.
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