Saturday, April 2, 2011


April per Kathleen: "Today has brought more changes. Gus refused all food at lunch time and as a result I canceled his evening meal. He has required more morphine in addition to his continuous morphine.

In a very quiet voice Gus told me this morning 'this has been pretty easy.' He even repeated it so I would understand. I believe he is referring to this final step of life."


John and Barb said...

I was holding my Dad's hand when he took his final step out of this life into the after life. I know it was a peaceful step, I know I felt at peace with his passing. A truly emotional, special transition. I wish you well, I wish you peace, God will bring you peace. Our prayers are with you.

Seaedb said...

I too, was at my Dad's bedside when he took his final journey on this earth. Fortunately, he was at peace with this world and crossed over peaceably. I believe this is harder for those left behind. May God's peace and love surround you all. Our prayers are with you all. We love you all.

Ed and Alice.

Ron Furrer said...

Ron and kids

I will be praying for you all and for Gus , I wish I had been able to tell my father good bye. I know Gus and my Dad will be great friends in Heaven and God will hold them in his arms and it will be wonderfull . We will be with them and all who have passed in Gods time . Peace be with you all

Anonymous said...

I am praying for Gus and for all the family at this difficult time and passage. My love is there with you all.

Melba in Texas

g-mawheeler'sblog said...

We are praying for strength to see each of you through this difficult journey. May God smooth the steps for Gus as he draws closer to the light. There are angels all along the way to help him home. Some of the angels will remain with his family to lend comfort. They will remain for as long as they are needed. Rest in God Gus...a new journey awaits you...