Well, here it is . . . the final posting on Gus’ Walk. There are so many emotions as I try to write the final script. One of the biggest lessons Gus and I learned as we walked this path was we could still have joy through our tears. Life truly is what you make out of it.
Scott, Randy and I made the famous move last Monday night. The lettering was finished on the sides of the manure spreader and it was time to move it to its final spot. Scott will finish up the last details at its new location.
Starting the Final Move
The picture on the left is when Gus had reached his limit physically and could go no further on restoring his project. The picture on the right is "The Rest of the Story".
This picture was taken with Scott strategically placed so no one could tell we do not have the seat attached yet or the tongue in place. We're still deciding how we want to do it.
I could not resist the "smug look" on Scott's face and the smug feeling I had when we had reached this moment. There were so many hours of intensity, both emotionally and physically, to achieve this picture. It was a healing experience.