Saturday, February 6, 2010

Offspring Beware

A couple of weeks ago, we were receiving spam type messages in the comments section of this blog. I have changed the settings so Gus and I view the comment before it is published on the blog. I apologize for not mentioning that earlier, but when you comment, it then goes to us first to approve.

Gus had his blood tested yesterday for his INR reading. After only two days on the new medicine, he is now too high. He has one more day of the shots, but the doctors cut his coumadin in half.

Gus will have his blood tested again on Monday to monitor his levels. He will be taking coumadin for 6 months. At times like these, Gus and I really love our doctors. They took the nurse's comment very serious.

Gus and I did a photo shoot this morning. Offspring Beware!

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