Thursday, February 4, 2010

Blood Clots

Our latest adventure is labeled "blood clots".

A week ago, Gus realized
his arm was tender. He mentioned it to the nurse last Tuesday and she was smart enough to pursue it with the doctor. The doctor called Gus yesterday morning and sent him to Dillon for an ultra-sound. The results were not pleasant. He is now giving himself shots twice a day in the stomach and taking oral coumadin.

It is very common for cancer patients receiving chemo to deal with blood clots. This is a fact that slipped right through our knowledge. Somehow we missed that statement. In my logic, I don't understand how his platelets can be so low and yet we're dealing with blood clots.

Throughout our depression last night, Gus continued to repeat one statement. "I AM GOING TO MEXICO!!"

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I'm sorry Gus is having to go through the "shots twice a day in the stomach" thing, too. Ed has been doing it since two days before his "procedure" and since then. The A-Fib (irregular heart beat) he has been fighting often causes clots in the heart. So far so good. It is 3 days since his proceedure and his heart is still beating regularly. I don't know how long he will have to do the shots thing. He assures me it is a fine needle. I haven't volunteered to give them to him.
Think Mexico! THINK MEXICO! We're behind you, Gus! We wish you the BEST. You are in our prayers!
With Love, Ed & Alice

Bye the way, we were thrilled to hear that you had some time with Kellie and Karis. We were glad to have 2.5 hours as they came through on their way to Spokane.