Saturday, July 21, 2012
Our Final Goodbye
Friday, July 1, 2011
The Rest of the Story
Well, here it is . . . the final posting on Gus’ Walk. There are so many emotions as I try to write the final script. One of the biggest lessons Gus and I learned as we walked this path was we could still have joy through our tears. Life truly is what you make out of it.
Scott, Randy and I made the famous move last Monday night. The lettering was finished on the sides of the manure spreader and it was time to move it to its final spot. Scott will finish up the last details at its new location.
Starting the Final Move
The picture on the left is when Gus had reached his limit physically and could go no further on restoring his project. The picture on the right is "The Rest of the Story".
This picture was taken with Scott strategically placed so no one could tell we do not have the seat attached yet or the tongue in place. We're still deciding how we want to do it.
I could not resist the "smug look" on Scott's face and the smug feeling I had when we had reached this moment. There were so many hours of intensity, both emotionally and physically, to achieve this picture. It was a healing experience.
Monday, May 2, 2011
Gus' Memorial Service
Gus’ memorial was such a blessing. I knew no local church could seat the people who would come to honor Gus and to honor his family. I never dreamed we would see so many. The entire service was anointed.
One of the areas I am able to go in and view on this blog is the statistics. I was not even aware of this page until a few months ago. As of today, there have been 14,464 pageviews of this blog. There are people all over the world being touched by Gus' story. The Netherlands, Japan, Germany, United Kingdom, Canada, Russia, Taiwan, Malta and even Latvia. In April alone, there were 4,908 pageviews. As Gus would say, "Only God could do this".
Sunday, April 10, 2011
To the People who Blessed Us
I had a request last night for my mailing address to be put on the blog. Kathleen Wuelfing, 170 Duncan District Road, Sheridan, Montana 59749
To the people who followed Gus' Walk, who prayed for us, who left comments for Gus to enjoy . . . you so blessed our lives. Gus would spend time regularly reading what his wife had written and loving the comments from you. When he was lying in a hospital bed knowing his fight was over, I would read him the comments. You continued to bless him to the very end.
When I decided to honor T.J.'s wishes and keep a blog on his dad, T.J. and I never dreamed it would span over a 33 month time frame. We never dreamed people all over the world would be following it. We never dreamed how Gus' story would bless so many lives.
I have plans on this blog being put into a book so Gus' children and grandchildren have a permanent record of Gus' story. His strength under adversity was amazing.
Friday, April 8, 2011
Then a call from family in Washington came today with an answer to Kathleen’s wish. The idea was to have family and friends share their memoirs of Gus, the family, the ranch, hunting, etcetera with us so that each could be shared at the service.
We are asking that those who have an antidote to either email or mail it to be shared and on display Saturday the 23rd at Gus’ memorial. Later the collection will be placed into a binder as a keepsake for Kathleen and the family.
Please send your favorite reminisces to:
Scott and April Wuelfing
PO BOX 512
Sheridan, MT. 59749
Or Email:
Memorial Service
The memorial service for Gus will be April 23 in the new gym at the Sheridan Grade School. This is the only local facility large enough for our needs and the 23rd was the soonest available date. The service will start at 11:00 a.m.
Memorials may be made to the Ruby Valley Hospital Foundation, P.O. Box 564, Sheridan, MT 59749 or to a charity of your choice.