Saturday, November 27, 2010

No More Chemo

It is time for a change.

Gus continued to decline until last Tuesday night when he decided no more treatment. No more trips to Bozeman. He had enough of chemo. Gus had lost a total of 9 pounds in 8 days. He was taking oral chemo twice a day and each time he took the pills, he could feel himself getting worse.

Gus called his oncologist on Wednesday to tell him his decision. Since stopping the oral chemo, he has gained back 5 ½ pounds. He felt so good today that he spent most of it outside in his heated shop.

Gus’ primary doctor will once again be Dr. Madany in Dillon. He is the doctor who discovered Gus’ cancer so quickly 2 ½ years ago. We spent a couple of hours yesterday with him making plans for the next step in our walk.

We never realized the pressure we were under until it was gone. There was a true freedom for both of us after the decision was made.


Anonymous said...

Dear Gus and Kathleen,
Please know that you both are in our prayers. Barb and John

Anonymous said...

Gus and Kathleen, you are in Alice's and my prayers. I am glad that Gus is gaining back some weight. That is definitely good. I firmly believe that God is not through with either of you.

Sometimes you just have to let your body tell you what to do and you seem to have made a good choice.
Sometimes the treatment is worse than the illness it was supposed to fight. Hang in there - God is walking every step of the way with you.

Anonymous said...

Gus and Kathleen,

You continue to be in our thoughts and prayers. The eastern Montana "concrete workers" send their continued support as well. Your strength in this walk is admirable.

May the Good Lord's love keep shining through you,

Ryan & Jan

Anonymous said...

Dear Gus and Kathleen,

Finally have taken a moment to read your latest report dated Nov 27. Our prayers are with you--sometimes moment by moment. Be encouraged by the prayers of all the saints that are headed your direction. It is amazing to read how much Gus still accomplishes. Do not think that Helen could keep up with him.

We know that you find your rest and peace in the Lord. And, we continue remind everyone that God has richly blessed you (PAST TENSE) in His Son, Jesus Christ.

Sending love and big hugs your way,
Helen and Warren

Anonymous said...

Gus and Kathleen,
Awesome Awesome Awesome photos of your Manure spreader project. You and the family and the leftover parts. God Bless you and your life! Awesome, dear friend. Hugs, Theo and Bob