Wednesday, September 9, 2009

CT Scan Gone Bad

Yesterday, Gus went to Dillon for his scheduled CT scan. The technicians had difficulty getting the IV started and once they started the dye into his veins, Gus knew things were not o.k. They stopped and realized the IV was allowing the dye to infiltrate into Gus’ arm and was not in the vein. They could not proceed with the scan and Gus came home with a swollen right arm that he could not use.

Thursday Gus had planned on going into the mountains with his horse and helping friends move cows. Now he gets to go back to Dillon and have the joy of trying again for the CT scan.

Gus and I are now getting concerned that the chemo is affecting his veins. Even his favorite lab tech in Bozeman, nicknamed Dracula, had trouble drawing blood last time. We are preparing ourselves for the fact that Gus might need to have a port put in. Gus does not want a PIC line like he had last summer because of the daily and weekly maintenance involved.

On the positive side, Gus’ CA 19-9 was 52 on August 25. It is steadily coming back into the normal range. He has also gained a few pounds so we are pleased. Gus is still pain free and getting things accomplished outside. His appetite is excellent. The only problems he is dealing with right now are the side effects of treatment, not the actual cancer.

His 10 week old puppy is now nicknamed HOUDINI. If there is the slightest weakness in her fortress, she escapes. All is forgiven, though, the minute those baby puppy eyes look into Gus’ with so much love. To Gus, she is perfect.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Pain free is GOOD!
Love, Ed & Alice