Friday, April 17, 2009

April 17, 2009 Ca 19-9 Update

Another Incredible Praise Report!

Gus' CA 19-9 is now 34!

Gus and I are both aware that one of these times we will see an increase in the numbers, but for right now we are cherishing every moment. I was in such shock when the doctor called yesterday that I even made her repeat what she told me. I would place a bet that my CA 19-9 is higher than Gus' now. We feel so blessed. Thank you for all those prayers.


Anonymous said...

Praise the LORD! He is a Mighty and Loving God. Thank you, Precious Lord, for your many answered prayers.
Much Love to you,Gus,Kathleen and Family.

Ed and Alice

Melba Morris said...

Praising God here in Texas for the marvelous works of Our Lord!!