Monday, November 3, 2008

The Hunting Trip

On the skyline behind Gus is what they call "The Notch".  This is the area where they hunt.

Gus' view as he sat in the meadow each day

Gus sitting in his meadow

These are the four guys that made Gus' week possible.  Scott (behind the horse), Dennis, Les, and Matt

Close up of Scott, Dennis, Les, and Matt

Scott and Gus

The Camp

Gus had the perfect week on his mountaintop.  The weather was incredible.  Gus did not even need the majority of the warm clothes we had gotten.  The road was dry to where they park the trucks and dry as they drove out one week later.  That fact alone was rare in all these years.  Gus and Scott neither one fired a shot.  That was not the purpose of their trip this year.  The other three men each got their elk.  
Gus felt so good and even gained one pound.   For the first couple of mornings, Scott would take his dad and his dad's horse to the meadow where Gus would spend the day.  The first morning, Gus rode the horse and Scott walked.  The second morning, Gus felt so good he asked Scott to ride the horse and he wanted to walk.  Gus always needed the horse to get back to camp at the end of the day.   The uphill climb was too much for Gus.  The horse got to spend the day tied to a tree while Gus spent the day reading, visiting or just savoring the moment.  
As the men were driving out Saturday morning to come home, they looked behind them and the sky was black.  The storm was moving in.  It has been storming ever since. 
There is no doubt in our minds how God orchestrated this week for Gus.   It could not have been more blessed.  Tuesday, November 4th, Gus starts chemo again and our lives shift back into reality. 

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

By the looks of your camp, you had enough wood to keep you going through the whole winter! How we praise the Lord that He watches over every detail in our lives. As Warren and I (Helen) have spent the past three months at South Lake Tahoe treating my fibromyalgia we have seen His care over and over. His love never fails.
Sending you love and hugs,