Finally Gus and Lane showed up on the golf course together. Lane loves when his Papa Gus reaches the green and he gets his turn. He is very disappointed when Gus only gives him a "2" on the green instead of "5". We can't convince him that the lower the number, the better you did. Gus loves golfing more than ever now. He is so limited in every other aspect of his life, but he still is strong in his golf game. He struggled Saturday to even get out on the golf course and then he did not feel well enough to take Lane to the driving range afterwards. Fatigue is his constant companion. Pills control the nausea and the pain, but nothing helps the exhaustion. He did enjoy the golfing so it is worth every effort to get him there.
His other constant companion, the chemo pump, is wearing its welcome thin. We have had two different chemo pumps in the four weeks whose alarms go off during the night for no apparent reason. Last night, 3 or 4 times this siren went off in our bedroom. Gus and I are so exhausted; we cannot remember how many times we enjoyed it during the night. After it sounds the alarm, you have to reset it. Not one time has the alarm ever sounded during waking hours, only when you are sound asleep. It is like a naughty little child. It will admit to no wrong doing. The nurses checked the last one we returned and there was absolutely nothing in it's memory to show that it had sounded it's alarm, let alone what the issue was. They are valued at almost $3,000.00, so it wouldn't be cost effective for us to silence it like we would like to. Gus will be calling them today and probably switching it when he is in Bozeman for his radiation.
Yesterday we met with a naturopath in addition to the other two oncology doctors. So much of naturopathic medicine counteracts the effects of radiation and chemo, so we can't truly utilize it yet except to aid in the digestion system and increase Gus' appetite. His weight is becoming a real concern. The funniest part of yesterday was when the social worker at the cancer center was trying to figure out a way to get Gus to eat. One of her suggestions was medical marijuana. It has the least side effects of any of her ideas. The old redneck from Sheridan is still alive and well. He let it be known that marijuana is not an option. Having an appetite and being stoned was not something he dreams of doing. Thankfully we felt the naturopath would have some suggestions which she did.
The most beautiful people we have known are those who have known defeat, known suffering, known struggle, known loss, and have found their way out of the depths. These persons have an appreciation, a sensitivity and an understanding of life that fills them with compassions, gentleness, and a deep loving concern. Beautiful people do not just happen
Elisabeth Kubler-Ross
His other constant companion, the chemo pump, is wearing its welcome thin. We have had two different chemo pumps in the four weeks whose alarms go off during the night for no apparent reason. Last night, 3 or 4 times this siren went off in our bedroom. Gus and I are so exhausted; we cannot remember how many times we enjoyed it during the night. After it sounds the alarm, you have to reset it. Not one time has the alarm ever sounded during waking hours, only when you are sound asleep. It is like a naughty little child. It will admit to no wrong doing. The nurses checked the last one we returned and there was absolutely nothing in it's memory to show that it had sounded it's alarm, let alone what the issue was. They are valued at almost $3,000.00, so it wouldn't be cost effective for us to silence it like we would like to. Gus will be calling them today and probably switching it when he is in Bozeman for his radiation.
Yesterday we met with a naturopath in addition to the other two oncology doctors. So much of naturopathic medicine counteracts the effects of radiation and chemo, so we can't truly utilize it yet except to aid in the digestion system and increase Gus' appetite. His weight is becoming a real concern. The funniest part of yesterday was when the social worker at the cancer center was trying to figure out a way to get Gus to eat. One of her suggestions was medical marijuana. It has the least side effects of any of her ideas. The old redneck from Sheridan is still alive and well. He let it be known that marijuana is not an option. Having an appetite and being stoned was not something he dreams of doing. Thankfully we felt the naturopath would have some suggestions which she did.
The most beautiful people we have known are those who have known defeat, known suffering, known struggle, known loss, and have found their way out of the depths. These persons have an appreciation, a sensitivity and an understanding of life that fills them with compassions, gentleness, and a deep loving concern. Beautiful people do not just happen
Elisabeth Kubler-Ross
Gus, noticed you were wearing a glove and Lane wasn't. Plus, you didn't remove the flag stick for him! Not exactly a level playing field. And what's so bad about a 5 on the green? There's been a number of times I would have been happy with a 5! You know, the medical marijuana might not be a bad deal. You would probably make a lot of new friends. Oh man, ape hangers and raked forks on the Honda, far out! You might get some funny looks in town though, dread locks, no shirt, pukka shell necklace and flip flops. Especially during the winter. We're going to be passing through on the way to Denver and back. We'll be in touch to see if the time's right for a drive by. If you change your mind about Mary Jane, let me know and I'll send you a couple Cheech and Chong movies. Love always, jb
Hope things are going well for you and your family. We are thinking and praying for you. If I can do anything please let me know.
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