Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Medical Update July 14

We were in touch with the doctor's office yesterday, July 14.  Tomorrow we will attend a educational class on chemo, Gus will get his tattoos, and a surgeon will insert a PIC line in Gus' arm.   This procedure will take approximately three hours and then the PIC will require daily flushing to keep any blood clots from forming.  Chemo will start this Friday, July 18.  At this point, all we know is every Friday for 3 weeks we will be going to Bozeman for a chemo treatment.  I am sure after Wednesday, we will know more the long term plan for treatment. 


Anonymous said...

JB here. It's so fortunate you were able to get the Doc that "fit" your needs. This is tough enough without having to deal with someone less than enthusiastic about working with and for you. You guys rock, well, actually you don't... I guess you "country". Close enough. It never ceases to amaze me how much you guys have let all the rest of us turn you upside down as a destination or way point gathering spot. My adult visits to Sheridan not only fostered a close bond with you two, but built upon some special memories from visits as a child. You can't imagine how often my mind wanders away to bits and pieces of the many treks we took to the hills, and the quiet(?) times at the ranch. Kathleen, do Gus' handlers wear sunglasses so they won't be blinded by the "rancher skin"? Holler for Sheri to make up some beach shard jewelry studs if Gus gets piercings to go with his tattoos. You're in our thoughts every day. Love, John

Anonymous said...

I guess this is as good a time as ever to mention patient advocacy. One of the things I've learned with Zane and interacting with his doctors, prosthetists, and therapists, is that no matter how well-intentioned, devoted and committed they are, they are not your advocate. The only way Jan and I can be sure that Zane gets all that he needs, is to take the reins and ENSURE it happens. It means I have to be informed, know options, and be willing to push what is right for Zane. No matter who you're dealing with, it is up to you to be your own advocate. Don't just assume they're doing the right thing. Be comfortable, be informed, and be assertive. Your encounter with the first doctor really highlights this need. www.canceradvocacy.org is an excellent place to get started.
Thinking and praying for you guys. Chuck

Anonymous said...

Gee thanks Dad, way to torture your kid, call me just to say your on your way to golf. And I'm stuck at work. I guess that pic line is realy keeping that left elbow straight. Have you really get rid of that slice yet?? I'm looking forward to seeing if the old man is keeping up with the kid. I think a buck a hole will be in order next time I see ya.
Grayson wanted to know can he ride a horse when we come to see ya. I figure Lindsey would have a good time with that.
I'm really glad for the blog site keeps us in touch with whats going on. Keep it up I bet there are many out there that check it.
Billie jo, Grayson and Andrew all so hello and send there love. Tj