From April: Kathleen asked me two weeks ago if she could call on me to up-date the blog for her if needed. I told her absolutely. Yesterday afternoon was my first trial run of operating the blog with the accomplishment of a successful update. I would have never dreamed just a few short hours later, we as a family would be en-route to Dillon hospital. These are the words of Kathleen:
“Gus collapsed last night when I got him up out of his recliner to go to bed. I called his doctor and then the ambulance. We now have a second home here in the hospital in Dillon. The chances of Gus ever going back home again are very slim. The doctor was shocked at the change in Gus since Sunday. We will try to keep the blog updated for how we are doing. We are limiting visitors to close family, but please keep us in your prayers.”
“Gus collapsed last night when I got him up out of his recliner to go to bed. I called his doctor and then the ambulance. We now have a second home here in the hospital in Dillon. The chances of Gus ever going back home again are very slim. The doctor was shocked at the change in Gus since Sunday. We will try to keep the blog updated for how we are doing. We are limiting visitors to close family, but please keep us in your prayers.”