Saturday, October 23, 2010

More Wedding Pictures

Wedding pictures are pouring in from Washington, Colorado and Nebraska. Our day was certainly well recorded and we so appreciate it. We just had to share more of them on this blog.

Gus’ CA 19-9 counts continue to rise. His pain is worse. He has lost almost 70 pounds total. They did a CT scan last Monday and it still is showing nothing suspicious in surrounding organs. Because of the other symptoms, though, the oncologist is not comfortable with staying on this course of treatment. Dr. Hensold does not feel it is effective anymore.

Right now, the cancer center is checking with the insurance to see if they will accept different treatment plans . . . ones that Gus has not tried before. November 2 should be the start of a new chemo regiment.

Because Gus’ pain is increasing and he is chilled all the time, he made the decision to not go to hunting camp. Gus weighs 35 pounds less this year than he did last year, so that was a large part of his decision.

Today is the first time in 26 years that opening day of hunting season has not found Gus standing on his Montana mountaintop waiting for daylight.

The minister of the local Methodist Church asked Gus to share his story. So last Sunday, Gus gave his testimony. He had no notes, just a heart full of love as he stood in that pulpit. This is at least the third church this last year that has asked him to share with them. Each time he speaks, it gets better.

The weaker Gus physically becomes, the stronger his faith is. He has touched more lives in his sickness than he ever did in good health. He is amazing.

Left to right: Billie Jo, Lindsey, Kathleen, Scott, Gus, TJ and Cammie
Front Row: Lane and Grayson

This was two of Gus' grandchildren, two of his sons, and both of his daughters. He has one of his daughter-in-laws in the picture, but we neglected to get a picture of the bride with her new family.

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

The Wedding

I apologize for being delinquent with the blog. September was the month for serious wedding planning and clean-up at the old homestead where the wedding ceremony took place.

Gus and I were so honored that April and Scott chose to exchange their vows at The Fenton House. A place so special to us. We were blessed with so many friends and family joining us for this milestone in our lives.

Gus continues to struggle with his weight, his lack of appetite, his low energy level and being so cold all the time. His CA 19-9 continues to rise.

He cancelled his chemo the Tuesday before the wedding to give himself more recovery time. That decision really paid off. He was able to enjoy every minute of the wedding with only one time out for resting between the wedding and reception.

We drove to Bozeman yesterday for chemo. Gus had his wedding pictures to show the doctors and nurses at the cancer center. Last night and today he has not moved from his recliner. When I came home from work, he had only eaten two slices of toast all day. By tomorrow he will probably have lost a couple of pounds again.

This picture has a story behind it.

Gus was explaining to me how he has trouble now getting out of his own shadow. As as example, Gus used the walk the three of us did down the center aisle at the beginning of the wedding.

Scott had a mission and was hustling his dad and I along at a fast clip. I saw no problem with the pace of the walk, but Gus is about to collapse at this speed. I thought he was emotional by the look on his face. In reality, he was being dragged along by the anxious bridegroom and was about to beg for mercy.

Gus asked April and Scott several months ago if he could do a Father's Blessing at their wedding. This was a beautiful moment.

Pastor Rob asked Gus if he would like to be the one that introduced Mr. and Mrs. Scott Wuelfing for the first time. This picture is the emotion after that announcement!

Later in the evening, Scott was relaxing with some of his friends. Gus saw the moment and couldn't resist the tempation! Imagine that.