Sunday, September 5, 2010

A Transfusion of Blood

Gus continues to get things accomplished even though it is a struggle. He was given two units of blood August 24th in hopes it would help his energy level. His hemoglobin was getting too low. Gus was in the infusion room 7 ½ hours on that day. The transfusion really helped the hemoglobin levels, but it took a couple of weeks to improve his energy.

Gus continues to lose weight. He has lost over 60 pounds now. We appreciate the doctors’ attitudes so much. They know how hard he tries so they don’t harass him about the weight loss. Gus will have to shop in the children’s clothing section for what he will wear to the wedding.

The CA 19-9 that was taken August 17th increased slightly since the previous one. In July, it was 67 and this last time the reading was 76.

The upcoming wedding is our focus right now. You want Gus to get emotional, just ask him about Scott’s fiancĂ© and the joy of knowing April will soon be family.

The four of us, Scott, April, Gus and I, are planning on spending tomorrow working on the site for the wedding ceremony. It looked like a hayfield until Gus brush hogged it yesterday. Now the rakes, lawnmowers, and weed eaters can start the fine tuning. God watered it during the night and I think He plans on watering it again tonight if the weatherman is accurate.

Gus loves a day getting firewood. Kathleen loves a day working at the old homestead.

Getting Firewood 8-27-2010

Back row l to r: Gus, Scott and my father, Jack
Front row l to r: L.T. and Phoenix

One of Gus' favorite things still is getting firewood. He now has about 4 cord stacked with the help of others. Scott and April are planning a final trip with Gus to finish the last 2 cords.

Gus gets so cold and the woodstove is one of the few things that make a difference. His electric blanket is also a mainstay in his life. Gus might have taken off his thermals for a few days this summer but oItalicnly for a few days.