T.J., Gus and then Scott is the front leading the packhorse
(Lindsey used her horse's ears to center the picture)
(Lindsey used her horse's ears to center the picture)
Scott is in the background
T.J. riding Santana
Our Goal!
We had been to hunting camp, cut firewood and then Gus wanted to take us to his special hillside.This is the view from a meadow on that hillside, overlooking
the route we had ridden in
The camping trip was very enjoyable. We achieved Gus' goal of getting to hunting camp from the Dillon side. It was supposedly 6 miles from the campground to the area where they hunt, but all of us felt it was farther than that. We knew we had ridden at least thirteen plus miles before the day was over. No one moved very fast that evening.
T.J. started back home to Seattle Saturday night after the ride so none of us got to hear his complaining about his sore muscles. We think he planned it that way.
The weather was ideal. Each day had "opportunities", but it was a great time overall.
Gus had a CT scan done in Dillon the next day, July 19th. We were then scheduled to meet with the oncologist early Tuesday morning to review the results.
Dillon did not push the results to Bozeman in time for our appointment. The doctor gave us a few minutes after Gus had chemo and the three of us looked quickly at the scan. There was no noticeable change so we are pleased.
Dillon did not push the results to Bozeman in time for our appointment. The doctor gave us a few minutes after Gus had chemo and the three of us looked quickly at the scan. There was no noticeable change so we are pleased.
The CA 19-9 taken had climbed somewhat, but nothing to really concern us. It was 67 where the previous one had been 61.
Now Gus' focus is on a horse clinic he and Salty are participating in this week-end. The clinic is there at Lindsey's facilities. It will be for three days and will be a challenge for Gus' strength and energy level.
This will be the first clinic Gus has been a part of. He has been an observer several times watching his wife, but never has he had a special horse like Salty. Never has he felt the desire to be the center of attention before. This will definitely be a "Kodak Moment"!