Friday, December 25, 2009


We are so enjoying our Christmas this year!

A year ago we were in a Seattle hotel room in a city that was paralyzed by a record snowstorm. "Totally different" was the description for our Christmas last year. As thankful as we were, it was still hard to enjoy Christ's birthday and the joy of the season.

Gus, my father and I spent the morning at Lindsey and Lane’s, and then we went to Marian and Linda’s for Christmas dinner.

Gus will have a birthday this coming Wednesday. It is a BIG DAY because he will be eligible for social security benefits finally. All those years of paying in will finally pay off.

Fairmont Hot Springs

Gus and Kathleen

Gus, Kathleen, Lane, Lindsey
Scott and April

We had a wonderful time in Fairmont. Gus was sick most of Saturday, but started feeling better on Sunday. Scott never even gave Gus and I a chance to draw straws on which couple Lane would sleep with. We were shoved into the room with the double beds and sure enough that was where the little boy was staying.

Thursday, December 17, 2009

Celebrate One Year After Surgery

Scott and April have set their wedding date for October 2, 2010. They have chosen to exchange their vows at The Fenton House, a site that just happens to be listed on the National Register of Historic Places and is a large part of Scott’s family history. This is so special to Gus, my father and I because that old homestead is a treasure that we have poured our love into.

A year after the surgery we are so thankful to be where we are and have Gus feeling as good as he does. To celebrate this event, Gus, April, Scott, Lane and I are headed to the Fairmont Hot Springs Resort this week-end. We are hoping Lindsey can join us for part of the time. Lindsey is usually so busy taking care of her more than forty horses that she boards that she can’t leave like we can.

It was Gus’ idea of a fun time for a little boy and his grandparents to go to Fairmont and celebrate. Since Gus and I neither one are fans of chlorinated water, we needed Scott and April to actually be the water chaperones. We’ll draw straws to see which room Lane sleeps in.

December 17th Is A Good Day To Have In The Past

December 17th is never a comfortable day for Gus and his sisters. This was the day their father died, their grandfather died and their aunt died. Same day, just different years. When the Wuelfing family gets past this day each year, they breathe easier.

Gus and I try very hard not to be superstitious, but last December when the cancer surgeon in Seattle wanted to do Gus’ surgery on December 17th , Gus said no. He was not going under the knife on that day! Then he realized they wanted him to come in for testing on the 17th, with surgery scheduled for the 19th. That was acceptable.

Gus is not having a good day today. He has spent the day in the recliner under a warm blanket. Yesterday, he accompanied a friend to a cow sale in Three Forks. He had a wonderful time and felt o.k. Thursday is normally the worst day in his week of treatment.

Gus’ potassium level was borderline on Tuesday which was acceptable to the doctor. The nurse had a little trouble getting the IV started, but nothing of great concern. His CA 19-9 was 51 again. This is the first time we have ever seen it stay the same three weeks in a row.

Gus asked the doctor months ago about discontinuing his expensive prescription for high cholesterol. The doctor felt Gus had more important health issues, so Gus quit taking the prescription. Gus had his cholesterol checked on Tuesday and it was surprisingly low. It was 150.

Chemo must be effective for lowering cholesterol, because Gus’ diet certainly is not. Gus’ advice to you though is not to do chemo just for its medicinal purposes.

Friday, December 4, 2009

Mule Deer Quest Only a Good Memory

The “mule deer quest” started at midnight that night. They only got as far as Great Falls before they stopped to get a little sleep. It was a wonderful time for Gus, but he came home with only memories. No meat. They just didn’t see the pheasants and deer they thought they would.

Gus had his blood work for his CA19-9 taken Tuesday, November 24. The count has continued to rise and is now 51. We hate the thought of it continuing to rise after one full cycle of treatment, but it is still low enough to not be a great concern. Normally the count would have started dropping once Gus was back on chemo.

Gus did gain back some of his weight. His appetite isn’t great, but food still tastes good. It just doesn’t taste great to him.

Gus has been told and now has discovered the truth that if he pushes fluids the day before his infusion, it helps the veins getting the IVs started. After knowing that he would have to have a port put in after hunting camp, Gus seems to be doing fine. The nurses and technicians have not had any issues drawing blood or getting IVs started since September.

Last Tuesday was a nightmare driving to Bozeman . . . . slick roads and blizzard conditions. As Gus was fighting to keep the car on the highway, he looked at me and smiled. Only a fool would try so hard to get to his chemo treatment.

Gus’ low potassium level was a concern to the doctor, so Gus was given an infusion of potassium also. Otherwise the doctor was pleased with how Gus is feeling. The day before we went to Bozeman, Gus was outside splitting wood. The oncologist is amazed at what Gus continues to do.

If Gus can achieve something each day, it makes sitting in the recliner for hours at a time more acceptable.