Gus and I are counting the days until the first part of October when he no longer is on the continuous chemo pump and will no longer be taking his daily trips to Bozeman for the radiation. Both will end the same day. Bozeman is almost 100 miles one way, so Gus spends minimum of 3 hours of every day in a car. Gus will then have a couple of weeks reprieve before three treatments of the gemzer which was his initial chemo. Gus will be pushing his deadline for his hunting trip the end of October, but he and Scott are not giving up on this trip. They will take an extra horse for Gus to ride while the others lead their pack horses on foot. For 26 years, Gus has lived for this week and Scott, Lindsey and I will make sure this year is no different. The fun will be when Gus shoots the Big Bull and Scott has to do all the work to get it out.
Gus was very sick two nights ago. He could not get warm. He was inside a 70° house underneath 3 blankets and was still so cold. 24 hours later, he was an entirely different person. He was on a horse chasing yearlings in the pasture and then was helping us work cows in the corrals. Scott does the physical part of operating the head catch for each cow, but Gus was there working along side of Scott. Thursday was the exact same schedule as Wednesday for the cancer treatment. We have no idea what the difference was in only 24 hours other than God knew what Gus needed most. A sense of self worth. Gus was exhausted, but content last night.